As Real Life – Sexual and Gender Diversity in Europe

We performed the workshop As Real Life – Sexual and Gender Diversity in Europe in the group in our ACE-project meeting in Bordeaux. The aims of the workshop were firstly to introduce a dominance sensible approach in education on the issue of sexual and gender diversity, secondly to inform about the fact of sexual and gender diversity, and thirdly to develop first steps to empower groups of sexual and gender minorities. We prepared the workshop to deal with the question of European Union Rights from the perspective of values and norms, rather than actual rights. Sometimes living in a country with rights doesn’t guarantee that these rights apply to you. Some people also have some rights but not other. In our educational work Dissens – Institute for Education and Research try to look at the norms and values in our (different) societies in order to understand in what way people can be discriminated against, even if the rights are there, not only when the rights are lacking, and how to invent individual and political strategies to fight for the same rights for everyone on all levels.

Please use and don’t hesitate to spread the manual here: As Real Life – Sexual and Gender Diversity in Europe – Manual from Dissens e.V.

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