Bingo! An ice breaker exercise with reflective questions

Published on: Author: Daoud Safaa

From Dissens – Institute for Education and Research we prepared a workshop for the ACE partnership
where we tried to combine an ice breaker exercise with reflective questions of non-normative
approach. We performed the workshop „Bingo!“ in the first session of the meeting in Bordeaux. The aim of the workshop is to get to know each other slowly in a non-formal matter and to learn each others’ names by mixing humor and neutral topics with sensitive topics. In this way we personlise the topics of discrimination to make the discussions reflective. The aim of this workshop in the context of the ACEproject were a) to introduce non-formal education approaches and methods and b) to bring out the relevance of discrimination in the field of Active Citizen Rights in Europe.

Please feel free to use and spread the manual of the workshop: Bingo manual from Dissens e.V.

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